Ist baseportal auch in english erhältlich? - baseportal Forum - Web-Anwendungen einfach, schnell, leistungsfähig!
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    Beitrag von Ivan (14 Beiträge) am Mittwoch, 31.Januar.2001, 10:18. WWW:
    Ist baseportal auch in english erhältlich?

      Sorry for the English, but my written German is not what it should be.

      I have discovered you page, and product, but have an interest group that does not necessarily speak, and understand German. The problem is that some of the points that the user (not admin) have to work with is not English (at least as far as I can see) and I would like to make it accesable to everybody.

      Anybody have an idea?? I'd appreciate any info.



 Alle Einträge zum Thema: Zur Liste 
    Beitrag von Ivan (14 Beiträge) am Mittwoch, 31.Januar.2001, 10:18. WWW:
    Ist baseportal auch in english erhältlich?

      Sorry for the English, but my written German is not what it should be.

      I have discovered you page, and product, but have an interest group that does not necessarily speak, and understand German. The problem is that some of the points that the user (not admin) have to work with is not English (at least as far as I can see) and I would like to make it accesable to everybody.

      Anybody have an idea?? I'd appreciate any info.



    Beitrag von Andreas (396 Beiträge) am Mittwoch, 31.Januar.2001, 10:57.
    Re: Ist baseportal auch in english erhältlich?


      if you are working with the <do>-tag you can use the parameter "language=en" (see:, "Ausgabe").

      So long, Andreas


    Beitrag von Ivan (14 Beiträge) am Mittwoch, 31.Januar.2001, 12:11. WWW:
    Re: Ist baseportal auch in english erhältlich?

      Thanks a lot for the quick answer,

      Will try it



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