Re: Help, English baseportal down again !! - baseportal Forum - Web-Anwendungen einfach, schnell, leistungsfähig!
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    Beitrag von Sam (4 Beiträge) am Montag, 8.Mai.2006, 18:01.
    Re: Help, English baseportal down again !!

      Still can't login, pls chk. This is the 2nd time within this week, anything u will do to prevent this happen again?


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    Beitrag von Sam (4 Beiträge) am Montag, 8.Mai.2006, 17:04.
    Help, English baseportal down again !!

      Pls chk asap, thx v much !!


    Beitrag von M. Schobert (7 Beiträge) am Montag, 8.Mai.2006, 17:18.
    Re: Help, English baseportal down again !!


        it's not really down. But servers disc space was to low. I removed some old files. So problem should be fixed.


    Beitrag von Sam (4 Beiträge) am Montag, 8.Mai.2006, 18:01.
    Re: Help, English baseportal down again !!

      Still can't login, pls chk. This is the 2nd time within this week, anything u will do to prevent this happen again?


    Beitrag von Christoph Bergmann (8110 Beiträge) am Montag, 8.Mai.2006, 18:48.
    Re: Help, English baseportal down again !!

      Should work now and never happen again...


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