Re: Id number in databases - baseportal Forum - Web-Anwendungen einfach, schnell, leistungsfähig!
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    Beitrag von Sander (8133 Beiträge) am Montag, 15.Juni.2009, 10:35.
    Re: Id number in databases

      You have to import the id field too. Check "Erste Spalte als Ids" (first column is Id) and "Bestehenden Inhalt überschreiben" (overwrite existing content).


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    Beitrag von Harald Bjerkan (4 Beiträge) am Samstag, 13.Juni.2009, 10:33.
    Id number in databases

      How do I completely erase the content of a database so it starts with Id=0 next time I import data? Is this different in ver. 3 from ver.2?
      (I have moved from to



    Beitrag von Sander (8133 Beiträge) am Montag, 15.Juni.2009, 10:35.
    Re: Id number in databases

      You have to import the id field too. Check "Erste Spalte als Ids" (first column is Id) and "Bestehenden Inhalt überschreiben" (overwrite existing content).


    Beitrag von Harald Bjerkan (4 Beiträge) am Montag, 15.Juni.2009, 19:14.
    Re: Re: Id number in databases

      (In the meantime I have used an old script, I wrote some times ago, that can copy records from one DB to an other, and where I can choose to start from zero or to the same Id. But then I had to copy the DB to a temporary DB first)

      Thanks again and best regards



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