hallo gunni o. marcel
also wenn du die uebersetzung lieferst ist CB (wenns seine zeit zulaesst, mir und allen anderen hat er schon spanisch, katalan und italienisch eingebaut.;-)) bestimmt bereit das portugiesisch einzubauen,
Hier schon mal die zu uebersetzenden teile:
einfach die in " " gesetzen werte uebersetzen...
gruss herbert
invalid_entry => "Invalid entry",
entry_added => "Entry added",
entry_deleted => "Entry deleted",
entry_modified => "Entry modified",
all => "All",
selection => "Selection",
search => "Search",
detail => "Details",
modify => "Modify",
new => "New",
modify_entry => "Modify entry",
new_entry => "New entry",
do_search => "Search",
search_result => "Search result",
entry => "entry",
entries => "entries",
selected_entry => "selected",
selected_entries => "selected",
in_all => "in all",
no_entries => "No entries found",
and_more => "and more",
delete => "Delete",
confirm_delete => "Are you sure to delete this entry",
submit => "Submit",
reset => "Reset",
action => "Action",
error => "Error",
more_info => "More info",
read => "Read",
write => "Write",
permission_denied => "Permission denied",
name => "Name",
password => "Password",
please_login => "Please sign in",
user_locked => "Access denied",
session_closed => "Session has been closed",
session_timeout => "Session has timed out.<br>Please sign in again",
session_invalid => "Session is invalid.<br>Please sign in",
invalid_login => "Invalid name and/or password. Please try again and mind case sensitivity.",
invalid_login_lostpw => "Invalid name and/or password. Please try again and mind case sensitivity.<p>If you <a href=\"/cgi-bin/$_myname?htx=%s&cmd=lostpw\">forgot your password</a> we will send you an email to the address you used when you signed up",
password_lost => "Please enter your name and the email address you used when you signed up. We will send you your password if both is correct.",
password_sent => "Your access has been sent to the given email address. Please check your mailbox and sign in with the password you received",
invalid_email => "Invalid name and/or email address. Please try again and mind about case sensitivity",
lostpw_mailsubject => "Your access to baseportal",
lostpw_mailtext1 => "With this email you receive your access to baseportal:\n\n",
lostpw_mailtext2 => "\n\nPlease be aware of the right typing and mind about case sensitivity.\n\nWe wish you much fun and success with baseportal!",
unable_lock => "Unable to lock %s",
unable_open => "Unable to open %s",
unable_open_read => "Unable to open %s for reading",
unable_open_write => "Unable to open %s for writing",
unable_open_modify => "Unable to open %s for modifying",
unable_open_delete => "Unable to open %s for deleting",
unable_create_temp_file => "Unable to create temporary index file",
unable_lock_users_db => 'Fatal error! Unable to lock users database. Please email to <a href="mailto:info@baseportal.com=?subject=Unable to lock users database!">info@baseportal.com',
error_no_index_file_text => "Unable to read index file (%s).<p><b>Reasons:</b> 1. No sorting is defined for the field %s.<br>2. The index file is damaged<p><b>Solutions:</b> 1. Log into you private domain, choose the appropriate database, click on 'Fields' and modify the field %s. Now choose a sorting (by 'Number' or by 'Text')...<br>2. Reorganize the database: (Database / Management / Reorganize)",
error_no_field_defined_text => "Field %s not defined in database %s<p><b>Reason:</b> The field is not defined in the database. Maybe you have just mistyped the query?<p><b>Solutions:</b> 1. Correct your query. 2. Log into your private domain, choose the appropriate database, click on 'Fields' and add the desired field.",
error_no_access_text => "The specified database is not approved for the desired access.<p><b>Solution:</b> Log into your private domain, choose the appropriate database, click on 'Management' and change the rights settings.",
error_template_exec_text => "Unable to open template %s.<p><b>Reasons:</b> The specified template does not exist or you don't have the rights to access it. Maybe you have just mistyped the name?<p><b>Solutions:</b> 1. Correct the name. 2. Log into your private domain, choose the appropriate template, click on 'Management' and change the rights settings.",
error_field_unsorted => "Field %s is not sorted",
error_field_undefined => "Field %s is not defined",
error_includes_deadlock => "Too much includes! Deadlock?",
error_perl => "Perl error in %s:<br>%s",
error_open_htx => "Page %s does not exist",