Re: hey Christoph Bergmann - baseportal Forum - Web-Anwendungen einfach, schnell, leistungsfähig!
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    Beitrag von SCbets (145 Beiträge) am Donnerstag, 18.Januar.2007, 12:18.
    Re: hey Christoph Bergmann

      whatever anyone does dont visit .......server dot com without a good and updated anti-virus program


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    Beitrag von kfm (6 Beiträge) am Dienstag, 16.Januar.2007, 02:12.
    hey Christoph Bergmann

      you dont reply or my email is blocked to
      i cant post in message board so ill have to post here
      how else am i to contact you and tell you i cant post in the other board
      i cant poost or reply
      how do i fix it


    Beitrag von Christoph Bergmann (8110 Beiträge) am Dienstag, 16.Januar.2007, 14:31.
    Re: hey Christoph Bergmann


    Beitrag von kfm (6 Beiträge) am Dienstag, 16.Januar.2007, 18:04.
    Re: hey Christoph Bergmann

      i did write to info-baseportal-com 3 times
      and i only know english
      im only here because i cant post in the board home
      and i got no reply in 3 days
      so why cant i post


    Beitrag von Christoph Bergmann (8110 Beiträge) am Dienstag, 16.Januar.2007, 19:43.
    Re: hey Christoph Bergmann

      Please try again to write to - probably we deleted the mail because we thought its spam, sorry...


    Beitrag von kfm (6 Beiträge) am Mittwoch, 17.Januar.2007, 00:46.
    Re: hey Christoph Bergmann

      still no reply and i waited 7 hours
      in case somthings wrong with my email tell them to
      post a message to me in reply to my other server

      but i cant see why i have to email them again when you are right here replying to me to reply to the email that goes to you


    Beitrag von SCbets (145 Beiträge) am Donnerstag, 18.Januar.2007, 12:18.
    Re: hey Christoph Bergmann

      whatever anyone does dont visit .......server dot com without a good and updated anti-virus program


    Beitrag von kfm (6 Beiträge) am Donnerstag, 18.Januar.2007, 19:48.
    Re: hey Christoph Bergmann

      yes ok but the faq in baseportal in it chris sead. please dont email go to message board. and he will assist. which i did. here. cant do in english board. when i asked for help he says email baseportal which i did. then he says email again the point is he was suposed to tell me somthing anything insted of redirecting me to what he sead not to do then he deletes my posts here. somthings wrong with this guy


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