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    Beitrag von kfm (6 Beiträge) am Mittwoch, 17.Januar.2007, 02:50.

      Is it true the perl server is a sub server in internet browsers which over rides the restrictions of internet web browsers and acts as a server within a server using a web browsers server as a transport. Like apache. I may not have this correctly phased but im finding out more about it as I wait for a cure as to why I cant post in the message board. Ill email you again as you suggested but how can I show (them) its not spam so (they) don’t delete it. Know what I mean?


 Alle Einträge zum Thema: Zur Liste 
    Beitrag von kfm (6 Beiträge) am Mittwoch, 17.Januar.2007, 02:50.

      Is it true the perl server is a sub server in internet browsers which over rides the restrictions of internet web browsers and acts as a server within a server using a web browsers server as a transport. Like apache. I may not have this correctly phased but im finding out more about it as I wait for a cure as to why I cant post in the message board. Ill email you again as you suggested but how can I show (them) its not spam so (they) don’t delete it. Know what I mean?


    Beitrag von SCbets (145 Beiträge) am Donnerstag, 18.Januar.2007, 12:23.
    Re: question

      use a free mail and mail again, I suspect you PC is infected with a virus and maybe the baseportal virus-mail scanner is just deleting your infected mails.


    Beitrag von kfm (6 Beiträge) am Freitag, 19.Januar.2007, 02:22.
    Re: question

      he knew
      and i use a mail tracker. my mail was opend read for 2 min then deleted
      and he was right here where i am suposed to ask for help acording to his rules. all i got from him was try the email again right here in this board.. i tried 5 times.. if he replyed to me here in the board why should i email him


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