Re: baseportal ----- the past 3 days - baseportal Forum - Web-Anwendungen einfach, schnell, leistungsfähig!
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    Beitrag von Christoph Bergmann (8110 Beiträge) am Samstag, 13.Januar.2007, 21:42.
    Re: baseportal ----- the past 3 days

      We have massive problems with spam robots which flood user message boards since the beginning of this year - we are working on a solution but this is a very very difficult problem...


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    Beitrag von krtty (1 Beitrag) am Samstag, 13.Januar.2007, 03:35.
    baseportal ----- the past 3 days

      coming back to baseportal reminded me why i left it. page dont load. denial of service erased account and if you see this message its because i could not put a message in the einglish page. eather baseportal is crapware or you got a user in it that hacks anothers account . moastly in the late afternoon and at noght new york usa time..


    Beitrag von Christoph Bergmann (8110 Beiträge) am Samstag, 13.Januar.2007, 21:42.
    Re: baseportal ----- the past 3 days

      We have massive problems with spam robots which flood user message boards since the beginning of this year - we are working on a solution but this is a very very difficult problem...


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