Beitrag von Ivan Smit (3 Beiträge) am Donnerstag, 22.Februar.2001, 10:51.
A question on sorting and/or searching - full text?
Sorry for the English, but I can't express my problem in German.
I have 8 fields (text, and sorted as text) in my database which I would like to be able to search through on a basis that it also brings me an answer when the word I'm looking for is in the 3rd, 4th or 5th position in the text that the user has entered. People describe things differently, and that leads to search words being placed on different positions.
Is there any possibility of forcing the search to also find these words?
Answers may be in German, no prob.
Beitrag von Ivan (14 Beiträge) am Donnerstag, 22.Februar.2001, 11:45.
Re: A question on sorting and/or searching - full text?
Hi Andreas,
Danke für die schnelle hilfe,
Mein datenbank ist, und wird sicher nicht sehr groß werden, mehr als 800 einträge käme nie zusammen. Werde mich aber hüten vor zuviel serverlast.