Re: Please Help! - baseportal Forum - Web-Anwendungen einfach, schnell, leistungsfähig!
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    Beitrag von Sander (8133 Beiträge) am Samstag, 28.Februar.2015, 10:28.
    Re: Please Help!


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    Beitrag von HaraldB (2 Beiträge) am Freitag, 27.Februar.2015, 22:58.
    Please Help!

      Dear Sander!

      I must have made a terrible mistake when trying to tide up our installation on
      I have lost all databases and all templates.
      Do you have a possibility to restore this from a backup?

      The accident happened 27.2.2015, 14:43

      The lost databases and templates were in turn/HOME/pm.
      I have sent you an email about this with Username and Password.

      I am not completely lost. I have a complete copy of the system on my test server, but the copy I from the beginning of February.
      I have already made redirecting URLs to the test system.

      I hope you can help me.



    Beitrag von Sander (8133 Beiträge) am Samstag, 28.Februar.2015, 10:28.
    Re: Please Help!


    Beitrag von Sander (8133 Beiträge) am Samstag, 28.Februar.2015, 12:35.
    Re: Re: Please Help!

      ok, have found your directory. Unfortunately I only was able to restore changes you did in the last week. I have also a full backup from this morning, but that would be too late. Please have a look in the directory pm_backup. I hope, there are some helpful files.


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