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    Beitrag von Harld B (1 Beitrag) am Samstag, 11.April.2020, 20:29.
    Archive create

      Is the archive function suppressed? I get a confirm mesage Arrchive created but no archive shows up. On my privat lizense it work perfect.


 Alle Einträge zum Thema: Zur Liste 
    Beitrag von Harld B (1 Beitrag) am Samstag, 11.April.2020, 20:29.
    Archive create

      Is the archive function suppressed? I get a confirm mesage Arrchive created but no archive shows up. On my privat lizense it work perfect.


    Beitrag von Sander (8133 Beiträge) am Sonntag, 12.April.2020, 19:50.
    Re: Archive create

      Here at free baseportal? we moved to a new server - I have to check, if zip is installed...


    Beitrag von Harakd B (1 Beitrag) am Dienstag, 14.April.2020, 23:07.
    Re: Re: Archive create

      Thank you Sander. It is working now, but I got a 2019-problem developing my latest app dealing with covi19 persons tested positive per day. Itwasnot possible to modifiy dates for years after 2019 in my lizence. I think you knoe the problem. I was going for asking you for help, but as a retired (82) with a lot of time I decided to try to fix it my self inside baseportal,pl and I did it!
      Here you kan se the app:

      Sorry that it is in Norwegian.

      Harald B


    Beitrag von Sander (8133 Beiträge) am Mittwoch, 22.April.2020, 14:19.
    Re: Re: Re: Archive create


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