Problem with "Abschicken" (Save and reload) - baseportal Forum - Web-Anwendungen einfach, schnell, leistungsfähig!
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    Beitrag von Harald B (12 Beiträge) am Montag, 5.Oktober.2009, 17:18.
    Problem with "Abschicken" (Save and reload)

      The last days I have had problem with "Abschicken". The template is cleared and the edited content is stored in a new file "name_1". Then I have to delete the cleared file and rename the stored file. The problem does not exist in the newly updated

      Harald B

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    Beitrag von Harald B (12 Beiträge) am Montag, 5.Oktober.2009, 17:18.
    Problem with "Abschicken" (Save and reload)

      The last days I have had problem with "Abschicken". The template is cleared and the edited content is stored in a new file "name_1". Then I have to delete the cleared file and rename the stored file. The problem does not exist in the newly updated

      Harald B


    Beitrag von Sander (8133 Beiträge) am Montag, 5.Oktober.2009, 20:44.
    Re: Problem with "Abschicken" (Save and reload)

      is it on


    Beitrag von Harald B (12 Beiträge) am Montag, 5.Oktober.2009, 23:55.
    Re: Re: Problem with "Abschicken" (Save and reload)

      Yes - it is on
      I have tested from different PC's on different IP- addresses and I get the same problem.

      Harald B


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